Become a member of KGH

Fill in the form if you run a facility based on Christian values ​​and can support the text here on the right.

Kristna Gårdar och Hotell (Kgh) is a non-profit association for farms and hotels in Sweden that works based on Christian values. There are currently about 70 member facilities in KGH. Facilities that work on the basis of these values, a restrictive attitude to alcohol (do not serve alcohol and do not have a serving permit) and are willing to accept the association's statutes are welcome as members. The work is led by a board consisting of seven people, usually the director of member facilities.
Kgh is an independent part of the European Christian Hospitality International, which has facilities in large parts of Europe.


1. A place on our website and in the international page
2. Participate in our very popular Autumn course of two days. The course is specifically tailored to the needs you can have on a Christian facility.
3. Take advantage of the beneficial agreements that the association has with various suppliers via VISMA
4. Take advantage of the extensive advertising kgh performs in newspapers and on the Internet.
5. Get advice and the opportunity to ask questions to other member facilities through our mailing list.
6. Get the opportunity to participate in the Kgh guide, a folder that is produced every other year and 15.000 copies are distributed to various recipients in Sweden.


Fill in the form on the left, and you will receive additional information and the opportunity to register your facility as a member. Welcome!
Register now and get first calendar year for free!

Christian farms and hotels -KGH

KGH is a joint committee to promote hotels - campsites - Pensions - Summer - Course - and camp farms operated under Christian leadership and having a restrictive attitude to alcohol.


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© Christian farms and hotels - All rights reserved

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Become a member of KGH

Fill out this form and we will contact you as soon as we can.

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Order the KGH Guide here

The KGH Guiden is our catalog with most of our facilities. We produce a catalog every other year and you can order the edition from 2022 here.